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Greenland Science Week 2023

Greenland Science Week is an annual, multi-disciplinary Arctic science platform for networking, cooperation & public outreach.

Qeqqata Municipality is kickstarting the 2023 Science Week with a full weekend of science outreach events and trips in Sisimiut, Sarfannguit and Kangerlussuaq.

Join us from November 3 – 7 and discover why our municipality is key to scientific research in Greenland.

Arctic Drone Conference in Kangerlussuaq

Welcome to the 2023 Arctic Drone Conference!

Qeqqata Municipality is proud to be co-organizer and invites you to join us in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, on September 19-21, 2023.

Visit the conference website, or download the conference agenda for more information.

Download presentation from Mayor Malik Berthelsen.

Greenland Science Workshops

2023 key presentations

Joint Science Education Programme (JSEP)

Kasper Busk – Project Coordinator, Greenland Government. Download presentation.

A new lonospheric research facility

Jayachandran P. Thayyil – Professor, University of New Brunswick. Download presentation.

Biological Monitoring Transect

Clay Prater – Postdoc. Research Associate, Oklahoma State University. Download presentation.

Update on Kangerlussuaq Airport

Ivaaq Christensen – Airport Manager, Mittarfeqarfiit.
Did presentation by words, no power point.

Update on road renovation and ATV track

Fritz B. Petersen – Head of Technical Services, Qeqqata Municipality. Download presentation.

Aasivissuit-Nipisat world heritage site

Paninnguaq F. Lyberth – Site Manager, Qeqqata Municipality. Download presentation.

New management plan and municipal planning

Laust Løgstrup – Head of Projects, Qeqqata Municipality
Download presentation.

Arctic Trucks platform for science, logistics and tourism on the polar icecap and rough terrain.

Sune Tamm – Director of Operation, Arctic Trucks
Download presentation.

Presentation of Albatros Arctic Circle

Jørgen Larsen – CEO, Albratros Artcic Circle
Download presentation.

Presentation of Air Zafari

Mia Biilman Larsen – CEO & Pilot, Air Zafari Greenland
Download presentation.

2022 key presentations

Arctic Hub

is a new organization financed by the Greenlandic and Danish governments. Arctic Hub builds bridges between research and communities by focusing on making knowledge accessible. Arctic Hub also supports research infrastructure and logistics in Greenlands. Download presentation

Greenland Integrated Observation System (GIOS)

Portfoliois an 80 mio. DKK Danish project observing the Arctic from sea, on land and in the air. The GIOS Transect will measure permafrost along the Sisimiut-Kangerlussuaq ATV track and Road to Ice Sheet. 5-6 boreholes will be conducted in 2021-24. The data will be available for everybody.
Download presentation Analysis

Kangerlussuaq research report:

40 interviews have been conducted with international Arctic researchers/research institutions showing a great need for better information, infrastructure improvements and organizational changes in Kangerlussuaq. Arctic Business and Qeqqata Municipality work closely together to implement the recommendations. Download presentation.

is the first attempt to improve information level about Kangerlussuaq for the science community. The present website is the first version and will be updated. The hope is that international researchers can see study opportunities, the infrastructure, the support local companies can give and the events taking place. Download presentation.

Kangerlussuaq International Science Support (KISS)

is Government owned and run by the Airport authorities (Mittarfeqarfiit). KISS consist of 4 four large buildings with wet laboratory, dry laboratory, computer room with internet access, kitchen, mess, living room, conference room, toilets, showers, well-equipped workshop, offices and storage room. No presentation.

Kangerlussuaq Science & Tourism Support (KS&TS)

is a new private company providing facilities and services to science and tourism. KS&TS offers accommodation, work areas, office space, storage rooms, practical service, transport, camps, and what you need.
Download presentation.


has for a long time rented out cars, ATV’s, science equipment and support to researchers.  JMM-Gruppen is now expanding with cabins and guesthouse as well transforming the old bowling center to workshop and office facilities for scientists.
No presentation.  

Renovation of Kangerlussuaq Airport

to at least 2500 meters will take place after the new Nuuk Airport is finished according to an agreement between Greenland Government and Danish Defense. Meanwhile the Airport authorities (Mittarfeqarfiit) will carry out smaller renovation task of the landing strip. In 2022 the airport will close down for renovation three weekends from Friday at 7pm to Monday 8am at May 27-30, June 3-6-6 and June 10-13. No presentation.

Oxford Global Projects’ Arctic Circle Road report

shows that the road is very promising and that it is, without a doubt, worth moving forward in the project. The next step is projecting the design of the road which also will give a more precise economic estimate.
The report was ordered by Greenland Government at leading international infrastructure consultants Oxford Global Projects lead by professor Bent Flyvbjerg.
Download presentation. Download OGP Report (english).

ATV track Kangerlussuaq-Sisimiut

is expected to open in Autumn 2022. The first 130 km was built in 2020-21 and the last 25 km is expected to be build this summer. The ATV track will show that Arctic Circle Road is a possible project, give road engineers access to plan the road and start up tourist and research projects between Kangerlussuaq and Sisimiut. Download presentation.

Renovation of Road to Ice Sheet

was started up in 2021 with the first 20 km to the Extreme E race location. In May 2022 the last 15 km is planned to be renovated including the two small bridges. The road will be open during renovation. The Municipality plans to incorporate the possibilities for building research facilities at the end of Road to Ice Sheet in the Municipal Plan 2023. Download presentation.

Environmental improvements are taking place after the Government and Municipality have agreed to phase out pit burning and clean up the dump and in the future ship garbage to the big incinerator in Sisimiut. The settlement council is improving local clean up including placing containers in designated areas. The settlement council has several beautification projects with rock and photo art as well as supporting the new Sami Rintala architecture project. Download presentation 1presentation 2.


In August 2021 Kangerlussuaq was home to some of the World’s most genius automobile and mechanical minds: Extreme E, called the “Electric Odysee” which is a new FIA-sanctioned international off-road racing series that uses electric SUVs to race in five remote parts of the world each year held their Arctic Xprix here in Kangerlussuaq. All Extreme E’s racing locations are chosen to raise awareness regarding some aspects of climate change.

Arctic X Prix Finals Highlights | Extreme E | Arctic X Prix – YouTube

Extreme E maintains a “Legacy programme” which intends to provide social and environmental support for these locations. In Kangerlussuaq the legacy programme included developing UNICEF teaching material about climate change, introducing solar panels at the local school and getting the youth interested in vocational education through a sustainable e-gocart project.

Four ways Extreme E is leaving a positive legacy in Greenland – News – Extreme E – The Electric Odyssey (

As the centre of Arctic, working with Extreme-E was our way to support the climate change research, the organizer supporting a science team from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. During the Arctic Xprix the professors Carlos Duarte, Peter Wadhams and Richard Washington started up new research projects in Kangerlussuaq and held a research conference “The Tipping Point” with the participation of former UN executive secretary for climate change Christina Figueres and many local climate change researchers.

Arctic Legacy | Extreme E | Arctic X Prix – YouTube

Christiana Figueres: We are Running Out of Time! | Extreme E – YouTube

The Tipping Point: an Extreme E Workshop | Extreme E – YouTube

For more information, please visit Extreme-E’s website.

Polar Circle Marathon & Running of the moskus

The Polar Circle Marathon

 – often referred to as “the coolest marathon on Earth” – takes place in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. The endless ice and arctic tundra of this vast country are the backdrop for this unusual race, in which runners race through the soundless arctic desert past glacier tongues and moraine landscapes. This is a rare opportunity to visit one of the most remote corners of the world while daring to take part in an extremely challenging running event.

Feel the soft crunch of snow beneath your shoes while running through the arctic desert and over the Greenland Ice Sheet as you immerse yourself in rare and exceptional natural beauty… what more could we ask for? Runners can choose between the marathon Saturday or half marathon Sunday or run both by joining the Polar Bear Challenge!

Running of the Moskus is an annual race and it is truly a Kangerlussuaq community effort. Many local businesses and groups, from tour companies to local artists and craftsmen, to the Kangerlussuaq school’s young student body, helps organize and host the event. The first race was held in August of 2012 and was the idea of some employees of the original race host – Polar Field Services.  The number of participants in the first event was 50 and has grown  steadily over the years. The number of participants was over 180 in 2015.  As they say, not bad for a town of 499.  Above photo is from and belongs to Running of the Musk ox.

Public meetings

For a better promotion and understanding of Kangerlussuaq’s research opportunities, we strongly encourage the sharing of findings with the local community. According to us, the Greenlandic community should get the opportunity to know about researchers’ activities going on in Kangerlussuaq and get more precise and scientific knowledge about their region and country. Indeed, peoples living in Kangerlussua generally love nature and are frequently hunting, hiking and fishing: scientific knowledge about the area would be very welcomed and insightful. It it will be possible to share your findings through public meetings with the local population in the new Municipal Hall. You will be supported by the Municipal Service Center.

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